Sea Turtle Ambassadors

Children are our biggest allies in seaturtle protection.
Raising awareness among the young generation can lead to a safer future for seaturtles and a healthier future for marine ecosystems.
ELFELL Association and Club Youth For Change raised awareness on sea turtles through "The Kids’ Challenge Competition", that took place on February 18th in Tunisia.
The competition witnessed many innovations from students of "Kids' Paradise School" and those who excelled in producing stories starring the seaturtles, were honoured.
This participation falls within the framework of activities to protect seaturtles in Tunisia and #SeaTuMed project.
Children’s love for the marine environment gives us the strength to carry on!
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Children with the best stories were honored. Children with the best stories were honored.
Creating sea turtle stories in a school competition. Creating sea turtle stories in a school competition.
Children and turtles Children and turtles